Looking to Learn?

Learning to drive with Worcestershire Driver Training is charged at £36 per hour.

On your first lesson you will need to bring with you, your provisional driving licence and national insurance number.
This information will be used to check your driving licence online with the DVSA. Alternatively, you can create a licence ‘check code’ to share with us prior to your first lesson, CLICK HERE, you can then email the code to us.

You can be picked up and dropped off for your lessons from either home, work, or another address within the Worcester area. (Fees may apply)

If you want a step by step guide on learning to drive, visit the DVSA website HERE.


Here’s what our pupils say:

Tom is a complete superstar. Kept me calm and made me persevere until I succeeded. I honestly wouldn’t have done it without him. Easily the best instructor in Malvern. Highly highly recommend.Thank you Tom.


I would definitely recommend Tom as an instructor. He was incredibly patient with me and always managed to adapt his lessons to fit the way that I learn. So grateful for all his help!!


Tom has been the best decision I have ever made. He has spent the last 4months getting my anxiety an nerves to the point that yesterday I passed first time. I cannot thank him enough an recommend him to all. His teaching is top class an if you put your trust in what he tells you I’m proof it really works. I’m 38 an didn’t think I could do it but with his help I finally have my licence. Thanks Tom for everything, your teaching strategies and calming influence really made all the difference.
