Thinking of becoming a driving instructor?

At Worcestershire Driver Training, we offer a simple pay as you train way to qualify.
There are options and discounts for block bookings and all training is in line with the national standards and delivered by a DVSA approved grade A ORDIT trainer.

In order to become a an ADI (Approved Driving Instructor) you must pass the 3 qualifying exams.

This is a theory test comprising of 100 multiple choice questions and 14 hazard perception clips.To pass the multiple-choice part, you must get both: an overall score of at least 85 out of 100 and at least 20 out of 25 in each of the 4 categories of questions.To pass the hazard perception part, you need to score at least 57 points out of 75.

This is a driving test lasting around one hour and comprises of 5 parts.

• an eyesight check

• ‘show me, tell me’ vehicle safety   questions

• general driving ability

• manoeuvres

• independent driving

You’ll pass your approved driving instructor (ADI) part 2 test if you make:

• no more than 6 driving faults

• no serious or dangerous faults.

This is a test of your instructional ability where a DVSA examiner will watch you give a driving lesson lasting about an hour to one of your pupils.You’ll be marked on 17 areas of competence that are grouped into 3 categories:

• lesson planning
• risk management
• teaching and learning strategies

The 17 areas of competence are listed in the ADI part 3 test report form, which the examiner will fill in at the end of your test. You’ll get a score from 0 to 3 for each of the 17 competencies, which are added up to work out if you’ve passed the test, and what your grade will be.

Grade A
= A high overall standard of instruction demonstrated.
Grade B
= Sufficient competence demonstrated.

ADI qualifying test fees

You have to pass the qualifying tests before you register as an ADI with DVSA.

ADI part 1 test = £81

ADI part 2 test £111

ADI part 3 test £111

ADI registration and licence fees

You have to pay a fee to join the ADI register, get a trainee licence and renew your registration every 4 years.

First ADI certificate (or ‘badge’) £300

Renewal or re-registration £300

Trainee driving instructor licence £140

I first met Tom while I was training for my part 2, we hit it off straight away.

After a quick chat he soon recognised what areas I needed to develop, after only a couple of sessions and with his guidance, I passed my part 2!

I then came back to Tom after failing my part 3. He managed to fill in the gaps in my training and give me the skills I needed.

Needless to say, I passed on my next attempt!

Tom’s a great trainer with lots of knowledge and experience and I would recommend WDT to everyone.

John S

Standards Check Training

Whether you have a standards check coming up, or you’re just looking to improve your overall standard of teaching, we can deliver the training to suit.

Although this type of training is more beneficial when done “in car”, some aspects can be delivered remotely.

Contact us to find out how we can help you!

What to expect

On the day of your standards check, your examiner will be looking for evidence that you meet the
national standards for driver and rider training

You’ll be marked on 17 areas of competence that are grouped into 3 categories:

lesson planning
risk management 
teaching and learning skills

The 17 areas are listed in the ADI standards check form (SC1), which the examiner will be assessing during your standards check. It is important to understand these before you take your standards check, so you know what the examiner will be assessing you on.
The examiner will assess you in accordance with the relevant chapter in the ADI1, Guidance for driving examiners carrying out Instructor Tests.

Lesson planning

You need to show you can adapt your lesson plan, where appropriate, to help your pupil work towards their learning goals.

You shouldn’t stick to a planned lesson because the needs of your pupil might change throughout the lesson and it’s important you can adapt to that.

Teaching and learning strategies

You need to be able to show you can teach your pupil in a style that’s suited for them. This means using methods that work best for them. For example, when giving verbal directions, your pupil might find it easier if you referred to left and right as ‘my side’ or ‘your side’.

It’s important you give your pupil appropriate and timely feedback rather than giving it all at the end of the lesson. Having regular discussions throughout the lesson helps your pupil understand what they might have done wrong.

You should encourage your pupil to analyse problems and take responsibility for their own learning. For example, if your pupil forgot to check their blind spot before pulling out, you might:

• ask them if they know what they did wrong
• explain why they need to make sure they check their blind spots next time

Risk management

Another area instructors commonly fail on is not giving pupils enough feedback on any potentially dangerous situations.

As well as providing your pupil with timely and appropriate feedback, it’s important that if they make any serious or dangerous faults they know what they’ve done and why it’s dangerous.

It’s up to you to make sure they understand this, so they don’t make the same mistake again.

Top 5 reasons ADIs fail their standards check

• adapted the lesson plan, when appropriate, to help the pupil work towards their learning goals
• taught the lesson in a style suited to the pupil’s learning style and current ability
• encouraged the pupil to analyse problems and take responsibility for their learning
• given the pupil appropriate and timely feedback during the session
• given enough feedback to help the pupil understand any potentially safety-critical incidents